Please register for the WAM meal by Tuesday at noon by calling the church office or by filling out this online form:

Wednesdays at Madison supper and studies have resumed! We will have small groups and Bible studies for all ages. Make sure to register for the meal before next Tuesday at noon by calling the church office or by filling out this online form: We are excited to share the news that we will maintain our regular meal prices for the fall!

Here is the weekly schedule:

5:15-6:00 p.m. – Supper 

Our United Methodist Men’s group meets on Sunday, November 20, at 7:00 a.m. in the gym for breakfast, fellowship, and a program. All men of the church are invited!

Here is a link to our VBS 2022 compilation video ( Special thanks go to our leaders (Renee Scales, Francesca Blount, and Amy Whittenton), our KIDS Ministry Team, and our adult and student volunteers for Vacation Bible School. We had an amazing week and a great turnout for this year’s VBS.

Here is a video ( from the recent Student Ministry Jamaica Mission Trip. Thanks go to our adult leaders and students for serving and to everyone who supported the fund-raisers for this trip.

Here is a video from our recent Moody Honduras Mission Trip ( Go to our Missions webpage ( to learn more about the Moody’s mission work and go to their Legacy website ( to sign-up for their newsletter.

We have started a new sermon series for the month of August entitled "Reset." If you miss a sermon, you can go to our "Sermons" page to catch up ( 

We have finished our three-year Bible Reading Plan and are now reading through the psalms this summer. You can find those daily readings at You can also scroll down to the bottom of that website and click the “Follow” tab in the bottom righthand corner to have the readings emailed to you each day. Each daily entry contains prayers, sing-a-long lyric videos, teaching video links from Dr.

We will once again host and provide meals for two Praying Pelican mission teams this summer. These groups have come from out-of-state to serve in the inner-city.

We are compiling a list of interested MUMC members for the 2nd year to sponsor to go through the WESLEY INSTITUTE.

WI is a 2-track program at Wesley Biblical Seminary geared to make available solid Biblical and theological training to interested lay persons.

WBS is a trusted, evangelical seminary in the Wesleyan tradition in Jackson, MS that emphasizes the authority of the whole Bible as God's inspired Word and the capacity of the grace of the Triune God to renew us in holiness.
